Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Friends as Parents

As I mentioned last go-'round, a couple of our buddies who are really changing the game made the 7 hour trek from the Great North to the City of Big Shoulders this past weekend. Their little offspring, Finn, is a blast to hang out with. Pictured above is a best-friends-backyard-bbq where Finn and his new friend Flicka tentatively eyed each other and jammed out on F.'s baby DJ toy.

Finn and I were entranced with this guy on Ursula's yellow plant (unsure of what the plant is?).

We saw the White Sox play the Oakland A's on Saturday night. Finn was such a champ at his first baseball game since he was a little baby; he made it to the seventh inning. Here are Joel, Brandi, and Paul leaving section 529 after the amazing firework show.

The tic-tac-toe game was a huge hit.

Jeff and Joel's ol' bands, The Plastic Constellations and Ten Grand, respectively, used to tour together. It was awesome for those two to get some bro down time, to play some Tecmo Bowl and Punch Out!!. Me, I've only known Jeff and Alison as parents (and dern good ones, at that). Their evolution as Finn grows up is so fun to see. With so many friends and cousins here, in Iowa City, Cedar Rapids, North Liberty, Dyersville, and Milwaukee as parents, being Auntie Trina and Unkie Joel rules.

Oh, and we're really gearing up to have Joel's nephew, Noah with us for an entire week, next week!

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