Saturday, October 9, 2010

Memorium to an Old Friend

Both sunny and gray days, days of great importance and those seemingly insignificant alike, you and I were usually inseparable. When we observed the world together, it seemed like a place with harder lines. You saw everything plainly, redolent of a less-jaded imagination. A landscape, framed and flattered by our eye. Together, we captured the lovely details of both kin and compadre, such as the luminescence of the skin of my betrothed; the dull, television-focused eyes of my brother, engrossed in a long-lasting Tony Hawk Pro Skater trick run. We delighted in a skinny-armed high-school sister excitedly visiting in the town we called home during college, demonstrating her nerve in the middle of Burlington street with a jaunty bouquet of flowers. You revealed the immaculate quality of a lethargic light bulb in broad daylight.

I'll always remember the trip we took to Denmark as our best time together. The otherworldly carnivalia of Tivoli: ballerinas, Kabuki, a restaurant aboard an old pirate ship. I was sorry you decided not to take part in the late night fireworks, but there was something about bright light at night that unnerved you. Perhaps you were starting to fall apart there; there had been early indications of instability. Still, when we visited the beachy, windy Western island of Fanø, we glimpsed jellyfish, by the hundreds, legs buried, just bubbles of quivery gossamer above the surface of the sand. When we drove back to the mainland, away from the coast, past the bunkers of the war days, our unspoken conversation marveled at how far we were from home.

The last time we spent together before you ceased operating was, surprisingly, at a Chicago White Sox game. Someone donated 400 tickets to the high school at which I had just begun teaching. You came along. You were uninterested in spending time with my students, even as I tried to laugh with you at their outlandish snacking. My fiance Joel had once responded to my half-joking request for cotton candy at the ballpark with a, "who-gets-cotton-candy-at the-ballpark?" kind of laugh. The answer is, my dear: high schoolers; ice cream towering out of little plastic bowls in the shape of ball caps, plain old hot dogs, pretzels, candy, gigantic sodas that the cup holders looked at hopelessly, throwing their hands up and sorrowfully shaking their heads, "nope."

You weren't interested. You refused to budge.

They said the problem wasn't worth fixing. They said you were far too gone, and I should find something new.

Old girl, my sweet ramshackle Canon AE-1, your sight was a gift from the manufacturer.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Hard to Stay Pozi... just is sometimes! I really love to welcome students with a smile, and I'm usually genuinely curious about how they're doing, but lately I feel like I've been standing at the door, offering only a sweaty brow and a grunt.

This may be a bit exaggerated. But for all you non-teachers out there, to give context, imagine with me for a minute. Think about how you get in the zone at your desk, in your office, able to close the door. Think about the annoyance of being interrupted by your co-workers to talk about something else, yet still work related. Now imagine: in walks a noisy crowd of co-workers, all up in your business.

That is the daily grind for me. I can get in the grading/planning/material-creating zone for a brief amount of time, but then I'm reminded by that darn ticking clock that in a short amount of time I'll have a room full of students who are either slightly dependent on my instructions, or totally dependent on my instructions (depending which period it is). Now, this is different from the non-teaching scenario, since the students ARE my work. Maybe that's the problem right now; that all of the paperwork has separated me from the reality of the person.

Returning to my above comment:

...students who are either slightly dependent on my instructions, or totally dependent on my instructions...

I look forward to the day that is not the case. It is 100% my credo that for a student to be motivated, they've got to be in charge of what they're learning. I've read a number of recent pieces from teachers that offer the axiom advocating teachers to guide their students toward leading their own learning, but honestly, that's like utopia for me right now; sci-fi, pie-in-the-sky type stuff.

This seems like it may have to do with my inexperience in planning, which makes me infinitely excited for next semester when I get to do a repeat of my intermediate class.

This general negativity may have something to do with me digging my way out from the bottom of a pile of papers tonight, only to see sunlight as it was diminishing. I certainly hope I'm not unloading too many gripe sessions. Soon, I'll find time on one of the days (there are many!) that I leave school smiling. Preferably during the light of day.

Monday, September 13, 2010

Doomtree and hogwash media Unite!

lazerbeak -- "land's end" from hogwash media on Vimeo.

I'm so proud of Joel's latest music-video endeavor. It was a blast to see the project from green-screen start to otherworldly, fuzzed-out, dreamy finish. Plenty of awesome people worked on it as well, so check out the credits on hogwash media's vimeo page, and be sure to check out Joel's other work. How great is it that I'm engaged to my favorite filmmaker?

Sunday, August 29, 2010

To Prepare for Week #2...

...I need to reflect a little on the first week.

Getting my room in order was a busy, busy affair. With meetings all day, it was hard to want to stick around the building for three to six hours to sort through one-hundred-thousand R.L. Stine/Christopher Pike paperbacks. I got through it, though, and room 109 is clean, functional, systematic-ish, and, in my opinion, downright attractive.

Flowers from my most chivalrous fiance Joel to celebrate my return to school.

Neat rows. You can't appreciate the gum-scraping results from this angle.

Our reading corner. I'm still working on how to best manage this.

Daily Binders, where our class secretaries record short summaries of the day (especially
nice for absentees) and keep copies of assignments.

It's easy to get bogged down with all the small business-y aspects of being a teacher. Attendance is the biggest drag for me. With such frequent and sometimes lengthy absences, keeping up by catching up students is a full time job.

Also, we have new policies in our building and these require increased teacher obligation and vigilance. It's a drag, but we can already see the results of something as simple as a one-way hallway policy, something as simple as having expectations for hallway behavior (and subsequently monitoring, heavily). These changes give a little *ahem* power *ahem* back to the teacher. This causes me a little anxiety, given the authoritarian sense of the word. But, the simple fact that I'm learning in my second year is that the students seek structure, and that has to come from some sort of internal hierarchy, and buy-in to said hierarchy. The students have to be on board with taking direction/suggestion. I guess an easy way of summing this up is that good ol' rule: respect for one's elders. I do think that respect needs to be earned, and it needs to be mutual.

All this having been said, I, sometimes, need to remind myself of the FUN of planning and teaching: seeing something awesome like a comic book or film clip that just nails a concept or literary term on the head. I also just ordered this great new book by an English professor, The Glamour of Grammar, at the recommendation of one of my former TAs from my Teaching Writing class at The University of Iowa. I can't wait to nerd out with it and share some stuff with my students.

Thought to ponder:
My Honors class: 12 students
My Intermediate class: 11 students
My Basic class: 27 students.

This heavily unbalanced schedule is clearly not the best setup in the world. The students that I need to get to know most are the most lost-in-a-crowd. My honors class is perfect, but the intermediate class could stand a few more voices. The problems with the basic class, I think, are obvious. Here's the kicker. The basic class: it's ALL-YEAR.

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Monday, August 16, 2010

It Starts

Day one of faculty we go!

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Let's Get this Party Started

I spent all day at the library yesterday dissecting the IL State English/Language Arts Standards and reading high school planning guides. Today, I trekked the .8 of a mile to school to pick up all my texts for the year from my room 109, which is a wreck right now, albeit in the best way. As pictured below (from a shoddy cell phone camera), they just put in new windows, so a fine dust is covering everything. Someone stored half of my desks upside-down, which gave me a breathtaking view of the clusters of chewed gum stockpiled underneath. Looks like I've got some work cut out for me before the room's ready for students. I've got 17 days...